Just Another Day in Paradise: God's Plan

Thursday, October 30, 2014

God's Plan

Who would have guessed that a zofran pump would be an answered prayer? Well to someone with CVS and morning/ all day sickness, it definitely is. I still have a little nausea, but they said it will just be adjusting the dosage to what works for me. That is a work in progress, but at least the vomiting is stopping. These baby boys need to grow :)
I have really started to feel the boys move. It is amazing. It makes it start to feel real. Daniel has not got to feel them yet, but it will not be too long before he can. We are getting so excited to meet our little men. We wonder what plans God will have for their little lives. I am beyond excited to be a mother. This pregnancy has been rough to say the least, but the boys are doing good and that is what matters. 
Just a little talk with Jesus can do wonders. It makes me realize my purpose in life is not to make money or anything like that. My purpose is to do the Lord's work. Although I cannot do a lot due to illness, God still provides ways for me to do His work if I am willing.

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