Just Another Day in Paradise: Sickness has Struck the Barger Household

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Sickness has Struck the Barger Household

So last Friday, I woke up feeling horrible. I had a migraine, chills, fever, nauseous. The whole nine yards. I was super close to trying to find someone to take care of the boys, but I decided I would just push through. The boys still nap, so I was dying to make it to nap time. Fast forward to Sunday, Branson started running a fever and did for a couple days. Then comes Monday night, Daniel came home running a fever. He has been home from work for 2 days sick with a fever, chills, nausea and muscle pain. Needless to say it has been rough in this house since Friday. Jackson has not caught it yet, and I hope that he doesn't. Even though Jackson is super cuddly when he is sick.
There has not been a lot that has happened in the last week. It has been a laid back week. We have watched a lot of movies which has been super nice. We introduced the boys to the little mermaid. Of course, they kept telling mom to stop as I am singing the whole thing. haha.

So my aunt texted me this week and told me that my cousin's all star cheer team is hiring coaches. If there is anything I miss the most, it is working. I am not the best housekeeper. I would rather be working, but at least I get to stay home and raise my kiddos. One of the best times of my life would have to be when I was coaching the last time. I got to spend lots of time with my cousins. I got to meet tons of awesome people. I love coaching. I was able to travel a little bit. I was expecting the boys. I had so much to look forward to. I loved every minute of it. I sure do miss it. I hate that I do not get to do it anymore. I am still not reliable. Maybe at some point I will be able to coach again. We shall see.
And my sister helped there towards the end. We had so much fun together.

Now I get to cuddle my two little guys and watch a ton of Frozen, Sing, and Moana. Although I love coaching and working, I wouldn't trade being able to stay home with my little guys for the world. I know there are so many people that would dream to be able to stay at home with their kiddos, and I am beyond thankful that I get to do that. Parenting is definitely the hardest yet most rewarding jobs ever. I cannot get my phone to send pictures today, so I don't have any pictures of my little guys today. Hopefully next week it will work. I had some funny pictures, but they will have to wait.
I am seriously so blessed. Sometimes I get caught up in life. Then, I get to looking around and seeing all my blessings. No matter how difficult life can be, I am beyond blessed with far more than I deserve. I am so grateful for all my blessings.
I will just leave it at that. You never know who is watching you or being inspired by your struggles. Stay positive and know that God has a reason for everything.

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