Just Another Day in Paradise: Imperfection at its Finest

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Imperfection at its Finest

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday. Not a lot to you all on. They did add a medication to help control my migraines (Thank the Lord)! I am having a migraines multiple times a week. The type of migraines that make you unable to function. It has made school ridiculously difficult. Oh yeah, I am still failing school. It really just makes me feel like a failure. I know that I could do it if it was not for my medical issues, but it still just brings me down. Ya know? It sucks to say the least. I am thankful for the ones that are helping to try and pass. I am not sure what I will do if I fail out of nursing school. it will make me feel awful, like I cannot accomplish anything. Being a nurse is my dream, but who knows if it will happen. I ask everyone to sincerely pray for my schooling. That may sound like silly request, but the only way I am going to pass is with the Lord's help. I know it can still happen, because I have one heck of a God :) 
Back to the doctors appointment. I am going to be referred to a new neurologist. Hopefully the next one will know what he is doing. My doctor says that she does not think brain surgery is in my future :) That is GREAT news. Just trying to get everything under control. I for sure have a seizure disorder that is not a question. I am going to need to change my seizure medication, but I cannot do that until Christmas break. I have a follow up appointment after I get my gallbladder out. Hopefully getting that out will make a heck of a difference. 
I am feeling much more positive about my medical future. I feel like I might actually make it past 50 years old, which is a great accomplishment for my family. School on the other hand... I am just searching for guidance on what to do. I am continuing to give it everything I have, but it really is a let down when you feel like you gave it everything you have and it is not enough. Just say a prayer for me. I need the prayers. Everyday is a struggle right now, either emotionally or physically. I will make it, and I know it. Just trying to stay strong through all of it is difficult.

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