Just Another Day in Paradise: I Am Gonna Make It!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I Am Gonna Make It!

So... I aced a quiz on Monday. I am finally feeling like I might make it through this semester. I ask everyone to continue praying, because I still have 3 exams. I am only failing by 2% in both classes, so passing it within reach. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have an exam on Monday, so everyone please say a prayer. I know I can do it, because I have a God that is in control.
Moving onto thanksgiving. I cannot wait. There is nothing I love more than being with my family. We sit around and play games. The guys bundle up and play football. It is just the best. I love this time of year. I love hot chocolate, fires, and spending time with my family. Oh yeah,my birthday is December 6th, which is also a plus to this time of year.
Switching gears again. I started selling scentsy. Money has been really tight to say the least. Living off of one income is really hard, especially when I budget for 2 incomes when we got married, so now we are basically just living on nothing. I am thankful for what I have. God has given me so much more than I can ask for, and he gives us everything we need. I have to say though living not so tight would sure  take some stress off of me. It is part of getting married young, and we knew that. We were 100% ready for it, and neither one of us would trade it for the world. Livin' on love... that is what we are doing. So since we have been struggling financially, I decided to try and get a job. I knew I had to have a job that I could do from home. It had to be something that did not interfere with school, and that I could do when I felt good and did not have to do when I was having a bad day. I started to think about things like Mary Kay, Thirty-one, and Scentsy. I realized I do not know a lot of people that sell Scentsy, it is an awesome product, and I would love something like that. So.. I went with it. Now I sell Scentsy. Hopefully it will be something fun for me while bringing in a little extra income. So.. on that note... here is my website if you want to check it out. I am not going to be that annoying sales person, so do not feel like every post I write will have something in it about it because it wont. This is just something new that is happening in my life, and I think it is going to make a big impact in my life (at least i hope it will). So here is the website. 
I hope all you blog readers have a great thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for :)

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