Just Another Day in Paradise: Still Waiting

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Still Waiting

So I decided waiting is awful. Since the snow storm caused UINDY to be closed, the committee did not meet. What exactly does that mean? It means that I have to wait longer. The committee is trying to make a decision over email, but I could not get an answer until MONDAY!!! That is when school is supposed to start. This causes a lot of questions.

1. There is an assignment due the first day of class (other students have talked about it on Facebook). I do not have access to it until they approve it and let me register for classes. When am I going to have time to do it then?
2. Am I going to be able to get registered and start on time? (The answer is no. I already asked that one)
3. What about financial aid? UINDY costs about $15,000 per semester. I cannot pay that without financial aid. Since I am not registered full time, I lost all my scholarships and everything. Will I get that back?

There are many more, but those are the major ones. I am so ready for an answer. I truly believe they will say yes. I have faith that God will handle it and take control. I want whatever is in His will. He knows more than I do. So as I wait, I ask everyone to please pray. Pray that they will understand the difficult time that I have had, and that I can be one heck of a nurse. Who better to be a nurse than someone who has been through it? Who can truly tell a patient that I understand? I know I can do it. I know I will make a great nurse. I cannot wait to get an answer. I will update as soon as I find out. Until then, pray please. I thank you in advance for praying for me. I know you all will. Love you all.

At first, I was ashamed to tell everyone about failing, but then I realized the more people I had praying for me the better. How were people supposed to know that I need prayer without telling them? There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has bumps in the road. This is just one of mine.

1 comment :

  1. I love your positive outlook! Everyone does have bumps, but you are a strong woman! You'll get through this however it plays out. I've been thinking about you a lot. You know you have my prayers.

    PS If you do get back in, the open clinical spot starts med-surg first, the assignment due day 1 is only for those starting OB first - so don't worry another second about that part! ;) Love you!
