Just Another Day in Paradise: January 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sweet Hour of Prayer

So... the committee denied my appeal. What exactly does that mean? It means that I can continue in the program, but I would graduate a semester later. I have really pondered on what I should do. I have come to the conclusion that maybe I was wrong. Maybe I am not supposed to be a nurse. I have always said that I wanted to help kids like me. Basically that meant being a nurse or doctor. I have realized that is not the case or what God has in store for me. I have tried and tried to become a nurse, and maybe it is not happening because that is not in God's plan. I am terribly hurt, and I do not understand why God would let me get in to the program, but not want me to be a nurse. Maybe it was because He knows I would not have searched for a different career until I failed out. I would have kept trying. Yesterday, I got an email saying the progressions committee denied my request. I immediately lost it, and I would be lying if I said I did not cry myself to sleep. As I laid in bed with my sound asleep husband, I was crying because I did not understand. Then I just looked around and saw all the many things I have been blessed with. I have a great husband, two really cute puppies, a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, a great family, and so much more. My world is not over. I am 21 years old. I am just starting. I have my whole life to work. I will get there. After having my own pity party, I started to research some career ideas. I looked for something in the medical field that I could help kids like me, which is my goal. I was looking into ultrasound technicians and people that do MRI's. All the test that I have went through my whole life. They are scary going into. I can work at Riley helping kids that are going through scary tests. I know how that feels. I have been through every type of test. So I came up with medical imaging technology. It is a bachelors degree at IUPUI. First off, I never wanted to go to IUPUI, but I really feel like God has lead me to this.
After I started looking ultrasound tech up, I got up to go pee. I grabbed my phone off of the dresser, because I saw I had a text message. I read it while I was in the bathroom. Her text said:
"It's okay. Even though it's hard to accept now- I am sure it's one of those that I will thank God unanswered prayers. You never know what He may have just saved you from going through. There are so many different medical fields. An ultrasound tech at Riley an echo tech for heart patients. MRI. I am praying the same as I did for the kids, for you to have the career that's best for you, your family, and certainly your kids. He will open the forrs. It will be the right door. Dereck changed his career three times and colleges twice. But he has a job he can be off for funerals and illness. I know He will work it out for His good. I am excited to see what you become. Love you so much!!!!! So proud of you."
That text message, a long text message, changed my life. It is those little things in life that make a big difference. So the MRI and ultrasound tech is what I plan to do. The medical imaging technology allows me to do MRIs and ultrasounds. it is going to take awhile to graduate, but I believe it is what God wants me to do. I want to be able to provide for my family and help kids that are going through what I have went through. I thank God for guidance. Next semester I am going to Ivy Tech and taking a couple classes I know I need. Then I will apply for IUPUI and apply for the program either in the fall or in the spring depending on if I need other classes or not. I cannot wait to see how this goes. I feel so much better. I am actually excited. I still get sad don't get me wrong, but I feel like I am taking a step in the right direction. :) 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Still Waiting

So I decided waiting is awful. Since the snow storm caused UINDY to be closed, the committee did not meet. What exactly does that mean? It means that I have to wait longer. The committee is trying to make a decision over email, but I could not get an answer until MONDAY!!! That is when school is supposed to start. This causes a lot of questions.

1. There is an assignment due the first day of class (other students have talked about it on Facebook). I do not have access to it until they approve it and let me register for classes. When am I going to have time to do it then?
2. Am I going to be able to get registered and start on time? (The answer is no. I already asked that one)
3. What about financial aid? UINDY costs about $15,000 per semester. I cannot pay that without financial aid. Since I am not registered full time, I lost all my scholarships and everything. Will I get that back?

There are many more, but those are the major ones. I am so ready for an answer. I truly believe they will say yes. I have faith that God will handle it and take control. I want whatever is in His will. He knows more than I do. So as I wait, I ask everyone to please pray. Pray that they will understand the difficult time that I have had, and that I can be one heck of a nurse. Who better to be a nurse than someone who has been through it? Who can truly tell a patient that I understand? I know I can do it. I know I will make a great nurse. I cannot wait to get an answer. I will update as soon as I find out. Until then, pray please. I thank you in advance for praying for me. I know you all will. Love you all.

At first, I was ashamed to tell everyone about failing, but then I realized the more people I had praying for me the better. How were people supposed to know that I need prayer without telling them? There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has bumps in the road. This is just one of mine.