Just Another Day in Paradise: April 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Days in the Hospital

Dadgummit. I hate hospitals. #1 they have horrible food #2 the beds are awful #3 I cannot even pee without someone standing outside the door. Okay, so you can guess that I had to be in the hospital. This time is was for a 48 hour video EEG. So fun.... not. Luckily, I have family that loves me and brought me yummy food, so I did not have to eat the nasty crap the whole time I was there. My whole family comes like I was actually admitted for something bad. I was just having a test done, and you would think I just had surgery or something. My aunts, uncles, and cousins like to take a trip to St. Francis to see me. Here are some nice pictures of my stay.
The lovely seizure pads that had to be put on the railings. Don't want you to get hurt on the plastic side rails. Honestly, the side rails are softer than the mattress. Talk about needing a serious massage. 
Yep, that yellow bracelet. That means I am a fall risk. You know, like the old people on those commercials. "Help! I have fallen, and I can't get up." I wanted so bad to lay on the ground, hit my call light, and say that just like they do on the commercials. I am nice thought. I know my nurses were too busy for a joke like that. It would have been completely hilarious though. You have to admit.
That my dear friends would be the beautiful camera that watched my every move. I also had a mic above my head listening to everything we said. It was awesome... not. It was way creepy.
Oh, those electrodes. Really cute. If you have never had them, count your blessings. When one falls off, it hurts so bad for them to put it back on. My head got so raw. It sucked super bad.
Such a sleepy fella. He has no clue I took this picture. He would be so mad at me. lol. That was his bed for a few nights. It looks more comfy than mine. 
So I may or may not be addicted to this movie. While I was in the hospital, Daniel went home to shower and change clothes everyday while my parents stayed with me. He came back one day with a new phone and Frozen for me. He wins best hubby award forever. You all should be jealous. :)
I have not went and picked up the results of my EEG yet, but as soon as I do, I will let you know what they said. 
Random... but I got my hair cut again. I keep getting shorter and shorter. I am not going any shorter though. I like for people to be able to tell I am a women. :)
Lately, I have been looking at cyclic vomiting syndrome stuff. I joined a support group on Facebook. It is pretty cool. I have always known that I had it, but it is good to know I am not suffering alone.
I have been in a lot of conflict with school lately. I have lost any drive I once had. I have sincerely been praying that God will guide me in what He would have me to do. I want to be a stay at home mom. It is biblical. It is what a women is supposed to do. Everyone thinks I am giving up on a dream, and that is not true. I am pursuing another one. I always dreamt of being able to stay home with my kids. I feel like maybe that is what I am supposed to do. Of course, I am not confident in what I am supposed to do at all. I ask everyone to please say a prayer for me. I want to do what God wants me to do with my life, and it is very hard for me to feel like I do not know what that is. 
Also, I have some tests coming up. I ask everyone to please pray that there will be some answers. I want to get better. I want to have a normal life. I am beyond tired of being sick and not feeling well. I am desperate for answers. Not just on what is wrong with me, but how to fix it. I do not want to be on medication forever. I would rather have surgery and just get it done and over with. I just ask for everyone to pray for me. I am feeling weak and just tired of the fight. 
Pretty much perfect. I am trying to find the right words, but unless you live with it, you will never truly understand. The closest thing I have found to explain it is the spoon theory. 
Read it. It is long. Sorry, but the idea is good. It is a good way to explain it.
Seriously, every time I read this I literally crack up laughing. If you only knew the looks that I get when I begin to list my medical problems. Hilarious. 
On a much better note... Daniel and I got pre approved for a house :) We are so excited to start this journey together. We are not apartment people that is for sure, and our little beagle puppies need some room to run. God just continues to bless us. He has given Daniel a great job that supports the two of us. It is not always easy, but we make it. I am just so blessed beyond measure. I cannot thank God enough for what He has given to me. I struggle... to say the least, but I would not be able to do what I am capable of doing without the Lord's help. He gives me those good days, and I am thankful for everyone of them. 
There is a lot more to tell you about. There has been a lot going on in my life lately. For now, this is all I got. :)