Just Another Day in Paradise: December 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

What Now?

So I know it has been awhile, but there is a reason for that. I didn't know how to say what I have to inform everyone. So I failed my pharmacology class. This basically means I have to petition together back into the nursing program. I have to explain what has been going on in my life, get medical documentation, and prove that I deserve to be in the program.
when I found out that I failed, I basically was just disappointed in myself. I still cry about it. Actually I am crying now. I only failed by 3% which is pretty good for all the crap I have went through this semester. I did pass my clinical class though :) I am trying to stay positive, but easier said then done. Normally, when a case is cut and dry, the committee that reviews the petitions will go through it through email. Mine they won't, which is good news to me. I have a shot at staying in the program and continuing on with my class, which is really important to me. I won't find out anything until after January 6th. In the meantime, I am applying for IUPUC. It is way cheaper, and if I have to completely start over with another class, I would rather start at a different school too. It is just a bump in the road, but right now it feels like a mountain. I got a Christmas card from a girl in my nursing class. I never really talked to her until my last clinical. The Christmas card had a long note in it. I cannot explain how much I needed that. I love her. She will never know how much that meant to me. God truly has shown me that it is going to be okay. Through friends, family, and Pinterest... Haha... God has shown me that it is His plan not mine. I am thankful that He knows much more then I do.
Next.... I had surgery last week. I got that nasty gallbladder out. Hopefully, I will start feeling better now. The surgery went well. I was down for like 3 days. I was still hurting for a couple days after that, but I was able to get out of the house. Now my incisions just itch like crazy, which means they are healing. That is good, but it drives me nuts. 
At this given moment, I am waiting for Lish's boyfriend to get out of surgery. Lish was in my wedding. She is like my sister. Josh... He is perfect for Lish. Daniel and I love to hang out with those two. They are awesome. When Daniel and Josh get together, it is just bad news. They are so funny. You would think they have known each other forever. On the 23rd, Josh found out he has a brain tumor. They scheduled surgery for today to remove it. We won't know if it is cancerous until after they remove it. He should be out of surgery within the next hour. So far, updates have been good. He still needs everyone's prayers. 
I will try to update you guys sooner next time.

So this is weird. The day I found out about my grade I got on Pinterest and this was the first thing I saw.